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Don't usually comment on games but I'm loving this so far! Can't wait for the next update!

Thank you, that means a lot <3

I love the story so far it’s really good! So excited for your next update

Thank you!

Okay you piqued my interest there's not a lot of twine games like this and I can't wait for more

Thank you, I hope to live up to your expectations.

OMG! Ngl I usually skip reading a combat scene but yours really pull me in 😫 THE CLIFFHANGER THO?!! 😩 Looking forward to the next chapter! Good job 👏🏻 

That is the highest of compliments, I will do my best to not update the game too sporadically.

This game is a work of art, savoured with the knowledge it was made with so much love and passion! I'm a huge fan of the world building and RO's already. I'm so excited to see what the author has in store next!

Thank you, I'll work hard!


This was great, can't wait for more. 

Thank you!

Omg cliffhanger! Such hard decisions to make. It was really good! ❤️

Hopefully I won't leave you on the cliffhanger for long

Interesting start, looking forward to more!

Thank you!


Thank you! I already have half of chapter one written so hopefully I won't leave everyone on a cliffhanger for long.